Need to send a parcel internationally but don't know how to do it? Don’t worry about that anymore. It may be a parcel for a friend or relative or a gift for a business partner abroad., together with its partners DHL, TNT, FedEx, VENIPAK, ITELLA, GLS, DPD, LP EXPRESS and OMNIVA, will quickly transport your parcel to its destination.
With, booking of parcel delivery have never been simpler and easier. All you have to know is your parcel's size and weight and receiver's address. After you choose the best price option, you can continue with the order. It will only take a few minutes. Then, you will need to print supplied Shipping labels and wait for a courier. When your parcel is already in transit, you can
track it easily using provided tracking number.
In order to ensure your delivery goes as smooth as possible it is important to notice that parcels travelling to non-EU countries may be charged VAT and customs duties, various restrictions may also apply. We strongly recommend that you find out what is the lowest price from which taxes and duties are applied in receiver’s country to avoid unwanted surprises.