6 Helpful guidelines for Amazon sellers


There is no limit to the number of sellers on Amazon platform, so there is no wonder why there is such a huge competition and it is constantly growing. Most of these sellers are usually selling similar or the same type of products and how to differentiate and stand out from the crowd is the key question to every seller. Here are 6 useful guidelines how to perform better on Amazon:

1. Optimise product search

E-commerce platform – Amazon, enables sellers to provide detailed information about their products. It is important to make sure that the product is easily findable to get customer’s attention. Firstly, identify keywords your potential customers would use to find your product. For example, if you’re  selling women shoes you should consider this keyword. Probably if someone is looking for women shoes will be entering this into the search bar. Then it will be narrowed down to size, material, shoe type, etc. That is why it is important to know the most valuable keywords to you, so you can target the right customers and appear in the search results when it is relevant.

2. Offer competitive prices

Price is one of the biggest factors that influence the last customers’ decision. Ensure you’re setting competitive and attractive prices, but don’t forget your margins. How to identify the most reasonable price for your item? Look at your competitors who are selling similar products and compare the similarities and differences to your product and set the price accordingly. Another way of identifying the right price for your product is to filter similar products from “smallest price”, which will allow to monitor competitors prices from lowest to highest and make better decisions.

3. Win Amazon ‘’Buy box’’

‘’Buy box’’ shows the top sellers when someone clicks on a particular product and it is located on the side of the page. How Amazon identifies which seller should appear in the ‘’buy box’’? It skims through sellers and looks at the product’s price, quality and its customer reviews.

According to research, 82% of sales on Amazon happened through the ‘’Buy box’’ and this why every seller is competing for a chance to be in it. Another way to increase sales and win more space in the buy box is by creating you own unique product set e.g. 3 skin care products related to one another. If one of these products has a positive rating it is possible that the buyer will have a look at the other products. More in-depth information about the ‘’Buy box’’ can be found here.

4. Use representative images

The first thing that the customer will look at when browsing for a product is an image. If you do not have real good quality images of your product, probably you will not be able to grab customers interest. Invest time to ensure images are stunning! It is not necessary to get a professional photographer as  sometimes it is enough to use a good camera with suitable lighting. Ensure you’re uploading images showing the most important features of the item.

5. Monitor business activities

Take a closer look at the effectiveness of your business on Amazon as this will help you to evaluate your current activities and sell more products based on those evaluations. Pay attention to your sales and try to understand why they are increasing or decreasing. Constantly review buyer’s given feedback and analyse it. If you’d like to increase the number of reviews, send your customers an email asking to share their opinion, experience or any problems they dealt with when purchasing your product. Analysis can help you understand whether you’re taking the right actions, draw conclusions and improve your performance.

6. Ensure inventory is always available

Product availability is another key factor every seller should always keep in mind. Imagine there is a potential customer browsing through your products and decides to get one, however there is none in stock. What would happen then? Probably, another seller will be selected who offers the same product and has it in stock.

This particularly applies to those sellers who are using Amazon Order Fulfilment service (items are stored in Amazon where it is packed, stocked and ready for shipping). Time management is highly important when using these services as you must evaluate approximate timing for production, shipping and stocking. Always remember to plan ahead and do not wait until the inventory is empty otherwise you’re just losing an opportunity to sell a product, get higher ratings and increase profits.

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