Parcel delivery to Cyprus

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up to €100

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Our partners – express delivery companies DHL, TNT, FedEx, LP EXPRESS, ITELLA and GLS – will take care of safe and fast parcel delivery to Cyprus. All you need to do is to book your delivery using our Quick quote. Parcels to Limassol, Strovolos or Nicosia will be transported within just several business days. 
To make booking process easier for you, we have installed some useful tools. Use our Pre-Pay that will help you save time every time when placing new order. Our Volume calculator will let you estimate your parcels volume and get a better deal because, as you might already know, it is an important indicator when calculating delivery price. And if you encounter difficulties when packing your parcel, or are not sure about how to fill the Customs invoice, visit our FAQ section. Our consultants are always ready to help you on our Live Support.

International parcel deliveries have never been that simple and fast! Wait no longer and book delivery to Cyprus on now!

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